Portugal – sea, sex and morue

A venir.

Port_001 Port_007 Port_008 Port_011 Port_030 Port_024 Port_032 Port_036 Port_037 Port_040 Port_053 Port_055 Port_063 Port_084 Port_087 Port_094 Port_104 Port_107 Port_110 Port_120 Port_123 Port_133 Port_178 Port_183 Port_204 Port_211

One thought on “Portugal – sea, sex and morue

  • Justin Hamilton 17 mars 2020 at 14 h 07 min Reply

    Long time reader, first time commenter — so, thought I’d drop
    a comment.. — and at the same time ask for a favor.

    Your wordpress site is very simplistic – hope you don’t mind me asking what theme you’re using?

    (and don’t mind if I steal it? :P)

    I just launched my small businesses site –also built in wordpress like
    yours– but the theme slows (!) the site down quite a bit.

    In case you have a minute, you can find it by searching for « royal cbd » on Google (would appreciate any feedback)

    Keep up the good work– and take care of yourself during the coronavirus scare!


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